Friday, October 11, 2019

The Training Programs And Job Performance Of The Rank â€And-File Employees

IntroductionIn a large enterprise training plays a vital role in a variety of administrative practices. It is considered as one statement of the total management activities of enterprise (Schein).Training for the Rank and File employees primarily is intended to prove skills in order to be productive and efficient. Training likewise aims to provide the employees the knowledge required in performing the job such information regarding the organization its goal and program its relationship to other units in the company and the relationship between employees work to that of other employees provide the feeling of the confidence, camaradene ,ease, and motivation to work in the harmony towards the attainment of the organizational goals.Training is also very important in enhancing the organizations competitiveness. The enhancement of employee skills to perform better job contribute much to the development of a better organizational image in the competitive market (Nadler p-12) it is important to the continued viability of the organization that workers, must update their skills as technologies change.Training is a vehicle for organizational change in that it educates employees about new corporate strategies and better ways to operate.A review of corporate education and training would show how training contributes to a firm’s competitive future. Given continuously changing economy and fierce competition and rapid technology change training is a way advance skills and increase knowledge of competitors especially foreign cultures and markets. A slowly growing work force requires making the best use of the current work force. A changing work force due to high turnover or rapid growths requires new training needs for providing workers lacking in  basic skills.Rapid advancement in technology has led to substantial organizational charges in many industries that have affected how work as done as well as the output of wok. A new technology has spread across the globe com petitors have increased with renew focus in the use of technology to enhance product quality and to increase a firms competitive advantage the organization approaches have required employees to increase their skills so team employees can interchange jobs thereby allowing flexible work schedules and maximum group efficiency same companies have compensated the employee not only for their performance but also for learning new skills that enhance their value to the firm.Training should be viewed as socialization agents that help people understand and make a commitment to the organizational strategies such business decision and not employee need to do be successful in the organization.Training has found a very important role in an organization that is why the research choose to conduct their study in Zilog company where a electronics components thus should able to determine which training program initiated in the company most effect to the job performance of the employees. This company w as accessible in their goal to be one competitive firm in the Philippines in able to succeed the goal of an organization. It was important to train the employee in order to acquire the new knowledge to perform their job well.The researchers choose the topic the training programs and job performance of the rank and file employees at Zilog Company Sucat, Muntinlupa City because they felt that through these study employees would develop their performance in work and the organization would be more productive and profitable by training program. The researchers want to know the significance of training programs in relation to job performance. Training is the systematic development of the attitude, knowledge, skill and behavior pattern require for the adequate performance for a given job. The  researchers choose Zilog Inc.Company because this is one of the competitive firms in the business industries and one in the Philippines that export products in other country like Japan.As such empl oyees have to be trained, developed and note if an organization is aid to attain its objective with the fullest cooperation of employees in leading organizational goals.The Statement of the ProblemThe researchers conducted this study to appraise the present training program of Zilog Company Sucat, Muntinlupa City for the rank and file employees. Specifically study will attempt to answer the following questions:1. What are the demographic profiles of the respondents in relation to:1.1 Age 1.2 Gender 1.3 Civil status 1.4 Educational attainment 1.5 Length of service in the company2. Which training program designed for rank and file employees affects them most in relation to job performance in terms of :2.1 Apprenticeship training 2.2 Vestibule training 2.3 Off the job training3. To what extent does the training program affect the job performance of the rank and file employees.3.1 Effectiveness in their job performance; 3.2 Efficiency in performing their duties and responsibilities4. Is there a significant relationship between the training programs into the job performance of the rank and file employee?Hypothesis of the studyThe hypothesis used by the researchers was a null hypothesis. It is denial of an existence of an attribute, a relationship or a difference of an effect.Ho. There is no significant relationship between the training programs and job performance of the rank and file employees.Significance of the studyThe result of our study â€Å"The training Program† in relation to the job performance of the rank and file employees of Zilog Inc Company Sucat Muntinulpa City, will create benefit to the following persons and entities.Management of Zilog CompanyHandle people to do certain tasks. It regards the well-planned and organized training programs for managers to prevent employees’ obsolescence and turn them into productive workers.Rank and File EmployeeWould be able to enhance their skills and realize their weaknesses. They would be better pre pare to unchanged their dislikes and responsibilities in the organization and improve the interpersonal relationship with their fellow employees as well as with their clientele through effective training programs.ResearchersCould gain knowledge and insight into training programs which be useful to his/her employment in the future. Commerce students of Pamantasan ng Lungsodng Muntinlupa by providing enough information about the effectiveness of training program in employees of Zilog company.Scope and limitationThis study determined to the training programs and job performance of the rank and file employees of Zilog Technology Inc Sucat, Paranque City.the rank and file employees of the said electronics company were the respondents of the study. The total respondents of Zilog Company are 30. The scope of the study includes the demographic profile of respondents’ extent of training program that affect the efficiency of the rank and file employees and types of training being given to the employees in the organization.DEFINITION OF TERMSFor understanding purposes the following are the definition of terms, used in the study.Apprenticeship is a system of training a new generation of practitioners of a skill. Effectiveness means the capability of producing an effect, and is most frequently used in connection with the degree to which something is capable of producing a specific, desired effect. Efficiency in general describes the extent to which time or effort is well used for the intended task or purpose.Job Performance includes activities that ensure that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner Productivity is a measure of output from a production process, per unit of input. For example, labor productivity is typically measured as a ratio of output per labor-hour, an input. rank and file are the individual members of an organization, exclusive of its leadership. The Training Programs And Job Performance Of The Rank –And-File Employees IntroductionIn a large enterprise training plays a vital role in a variety of administrative practices. It is considered as one statement of the total management activities of enterprise (Schein).Training for the Rank and File employees primarily is intended to prove skills in order to be productive and efficient. Training likewise aims to provide the employees the knowledge required in performing the job such information regarding the organization its goal and program its relationship to other units in the company and the relationship between employees work to that of other employees provide the feeling of the confidence, camaradene ,ease, and motivation to work in the harmony towards the attainment of the organizational goals.Training is also very important in enhancing the organizations competitiveness. The enhancement of employee skills to perform better job contribute much to the development of a better organizational image in the competitive market (Nadler p-12) it is important to the continued viability of the organization that workers, must update their skills as technologies change.Training is a vehicle for organizational change in that it educates employees about new corporate strategies and better ways to operate.A review of corporate education and training would show how training contributes to a firm’s competitive future. Given continuously changing economy and fierce competition and rapid technology change training is a way advance skills and increase knowledge of competitors especially foreign cultures and markets. A slowly growing work force requires making the best use of the current work force. A changing work force due to high turnover or rapid growths requires new training needs for providing workers lacking in  basic skills.Rapid advancement in technology has led to substantial organizational charges in many industries that have affected how work as done as well as the output of wok. A new technology has spread across the globe com petitors have increased with renew focus in the use of technology to enhance product quality and to increase a firms competitive advantage the organization approaches have required employees to increase their skills so team employees can interchange jobs thereby allowing flexible work schedules and maximum group efficiency same companies have compensated the employee not only for their performance but also for learning new skills that enhance their value to the firm.Training should be viewed as socialization agents that help people understand and make a commitment to the organizational strategies such business decision and not employee need to do be successful in the organization.Training has found a very important role in an organization that is why the research choose to conduct their study in Zilog company where a electronics components thus should able to determine which training program initiated in the company most effect to the job performance of the employees. This company w as accessible in their goal to be one competitive firm in the Philippines in able to succeed the goal of an organization. It was important to train the employee in order to acquire the new knowledge to perform their job well.The researchers choose the topic the training programs and job performance of the rank and file employees at Zilog Company Sucat, Muntinlupa City because they felt that through these study employees would develop their performance in work and the organization would be more productive and profitable by training program. The researchers want to know the significance of training programs in relation to job performance.Training is the systematic development of the attitude, knowledge, skill and behavior pattern require for the adequate performance for a given job. The  researchers choose Zilog Inc.Company because this is one of the competitive firms in the business industries and one in the Philippines that export products in other country like Japan.As such emplo yees have to be trained, developed and note if an organization is aid to attain its objective with the fullest cooperation of employees in leading organizational goals.The Statement of the ProblemThe researchers conducted this study to appraise the present training program of Zilog Company Sucat, Muntinlupa City for the rank and file employees. Specifically study will attempt to answer the following questions:1. What are the demographic profiles of the respondents in relation to:1.1 Age 1.2 Gender 1.3 Civil status 1.4 Educational attainment 1.5 Length of service in the company2. Which training program designed for rank and file employees affects them most in relation to job performance in terms of :2.1 Apprenticeship training 2.2 Vestibule training 2.3 Off the job training3. To what extent does the training program affect the job performance of the rank and file employees.3.1 Effectiveness in their job performance; 3.2 Efficiency in performing their duties and responsibilities4. Is there a significant relationship between the training programs into the job performance of the rank and file employee?Hypothesis of the studyThe hypothesis used by the researchers was a null hypothesis. It is denial of an existence of an attribute, a relationship or a difference of an effect.Ho. There is no significant relationship between the training programs and job performance of the rank and file employees.Significance of the studyThe result of our study â€Å"The training Program† in relation to the job performance of the rank and file employees of Zilog Inc Company Sucat Muntinulpa City, will create benefit to the following persons and entities.Management of Zilog CompanyHandle people to do certain tasks. It regards the well-planned and organized training programs for managers to prevent employees’ obsolescence and turn them into productive workers.Rank and File EmployeeWould be able to enhance their skills and realize their weaknesses. They would be better prep are to unchanged their dislikes and responsibilities in the organization and improve the interpersonal relationship with their fellow employees as well as with their clientele through effective training programs.ResearchersCould gain knowledge and insight into training programs which be useful to his/her employment in the future. Commerce students of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa by providing enough information about the effectiveness of training program in employees of Zilog company.Scope and limitationThis study determined to the training programs and job performance of the rank and file employees of Zilog Technology Inc Sucat, Paranque City.the rank and file employees of the said electronics company were the respondents of the study. The total respondents of Zilog Company are 30. The scope of the study includes the demographic profile of respondents’ extent of training program that affect the efficiency of the rank and file employees and types of training being given to the employees in the organization.DEFINITION OF TERMSFor understanding purposes the following are the definition of terms, used in the study.Apprenticeship is a system of training a new generation of practitioners of a skill. Effectiveness means the capability of producing an effect, and is most frequently used in connection with the degree to which something is capable of producing a specific, desired effect. Efficiency in general describes the extent to which time or effort is well used for the intended task or purpose.Job Performance includes activities that ensure that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner Productivity is a measure of output from a production process, per unit of input. For example, labor productivity is typically measured as a ratio of output per labor-hour, an input. rank and file are the individual members of an organization, exclusive of its leadership.Training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competenci es as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies.Zilog Technology is a trusted supplier of application specific, embedded system-on-chip (SoC) solutions for the industrial and consumer markets.THE TRAINING PROGRAMS AND JOB PERFORMANCEOF THE RANK –AND-FILE EMPLOYEESOF ZILOG TECHNOLOGY INC.SUCAT PARANAQUEIN PARTAIL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MAJOR IN OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT

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