Thursday, June 13, 2019

Brief the dred scott v. sanford case and the raines v.byrd case Essay

Brief the dred scott v. sanford case and the raines v.byrd case - Essay ExampleThey believed, according to the Court, that African Americans were beings of an inferior order, and on the whole unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations, and so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was rally to respect.There were two dissenting opinions in this case. One by Justice Mclean and one by Justice Curtis. They argued that the court should not give an opinion on an issue that they had said was beyond their jurisdiction and that the constitution didnt say what the other judges thought it said.In 1994, the Republicans won control of Congress. They wanted to fleet a Line Item Veto for the President, so the President could veto aspects of a bill (in the past the constitution seemed to imply a president could only(prenominal) veto bills as a whole). A number of congressman disagreed with this idea and sued.The court reasoned that under the constitution a federal court could solve cases only when the plaintiffs had a concrete injury and a personal stake in the issue. The court said the congressmen only had an institutional interest in the subject area of the line-item vetothere was no personal

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